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Personal, Business and Community Growth

Bringing together the power of thinking and the power of doing for both body and mind


There is nothing better than knowing that asking the right question or offering encouragement at the right time, can have such a positive impact on someone's achievements. If you ask what makes me tick, I would say nurturing that little seed within everyone, giving it the care and attention that it needs to grow and blossom at it's fullest. 


CSL is a culmination of over 25 years experience in community development, sports coaching and helping others.  It stems from a passion in enabling and empowering people to be the best they can be and do the best they can do, and believing in the individual's own ability.

CSL allows me to bring all these skills, knowledge and experience together to create a unique service. Using the power of physical activity to enhance academic focus and using the power of academic focus to reach physical, life and business goals.

And of course, there are some things to do for fun!

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